Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Animal Cruelty Essay - 1535 Words

Renà © Descartes, a famous philosopher, once argued that, â€Å"animals are not sentient- they are machines, like mechanical clocks, devoid of feelings and incapable of experiencing pleasure or pain† (Vaughn). Today, unlike Descartes, most people believe that animals are intrinsically or instrumentally valuable, also, whether they have or deserve any rights. Defining what cruelty is has been very subjective. To some people. An animal is just property and they can beat it around as much as they want, to others, animals are part of their family and they would never lay a finger on them. There is legislation against animal cruelty but because there is so much subjectivity, the legislation fails to deter people from abusing their animals. For there†¦show more content†¦They just do not see that as being animal cruelty. Most people believe that it is wrong to be cruel to animals. Within different societies, animals are treated differently. Depending on how and or where a person was raised, an animal could be a loved pet that is part of their family, or they could just treat it as property and a tool that is just there for their personal use. According to Ohio law if a person owns a dog then it is considered a companion animal, no matter if it is kept in their residential dwelling or not. IN one situation the owner keeps their dog in their house and it is a part of the family. They treat their dog like a baby, petting, playing, and cuddling with it. In another situation the owner keeps their fog outside and uses it as a watchdog. The only interaction with the dog is just checking to make sure it has food and water, and maybe a quick pat on the head, and gives it a â€Å"good dog† praise. It is quite easy to see that he first person loves their dog. It is not so easy to tell in the second situation. They may truly love their dog and that was how they were raised to treat it. They could also have emotional attachments to the dog, such as being proud, without really caring about the dog. Kind of like my dog is bigger than your dog pride. Within the law both situations are considered equal, even though they are unequal in the emotional attachment to their animals. Living inShow MoreRelatedAnimal Cruelty And The Prevention Of Cruelty1434 Words   |  6 PagesPrevention of Cruelty to Animals, better known as the ASPCA is a non profit organization that focuses on preventing animal cruelty. The mission of the ASPCA is â€Å"to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States† (ASPCA). Animal cruelty and neglect are huge problems in the United States, therefore organizations such as the ASPCA are needed to start the process of prevention. 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